Weathering Winter: Tips for Running This Time of Year

Following a mild fall and early winter, extreme cold, snow and ice arrived in Virginia this week and we thought this would be a great time to remind you of some of Soleful’s seasonal running recommendations. 

The change of seasons is a beautiful thing, embrace the beauty and wonders of winter and while we strongly encourage you to be well prepared we also urge you to bundle and go explore, there is so much to see and do while staying active year round.

Be prepared and have fun:

Keep those extremities covered, paying careful attention to hands, ears and feet — invest in a great hat, pair of gloves and socks. 

Dress in layers because believe it or not you will warm up  — make sure your inner layer pulls the sweat and moisture away from your body and the outer layer protects you from rain, snow or wind. 

Change out of wet, sweaty clothes as soon as possible following your outdoor activity — if shoes are wet from the footing, be sure to dry them out fully and properly prior to your next run. 

Hydrating is always important and in the winter you need to take a more proactive approach because you may not feel as thirsty in the cold versus the heat, but getting plenty of fluids is still super important. 

Be patient and kind with yourself — just like in the heat of the summer, cold weather winter months take time for acclimatization, it’s OK if these runs feel a little more labored, think more about rate of perceived effort more than actual pace or distance. 

Use your best judgement and be cautious and conservative with your workouts — stay close to home or in a public or well populated area with support or shelter if need be, stick to a route you know well and be sure someone knows you are going for a run, where you plan to go and how long you plan to be gone. 

Have a way to communicate if you need help but also know that in extreme cold, cell phones and devices may not work as well or at all, so be prepared, have a plan and be careful. 

Check and double check the forecast and if conditions deteriorate, it’s OK and even encouraged to make different training plans for that day — a coach can help with this! 

Use extreme caution and care with the footing — in the winter, frozen terrain is much firmer and sometimes tougher to run on, so be mindful of how this makes your feet and body feel, you may face snow-covered conditions, which are slippery and can also cover up uneven terrain, and you might encounter ice even if the surface looks dry or clear, all of these things can also affect our running form, so it’s important to take your time. 

Even though it is cold out, you still need to prioritize your cooldown at the end of the activity — The warmup and cooldown are vital parts of your workout both mentally and physically and can be designed to be efficient and effective. 

Set a goal — Having a milestone you are working towards is an excellent way to keep your training on track when the weather tempts you otherwise, a coach or running group are other excellent ways to stay focused, find motivation and, most importantly, have fun. 

This time of year brings with it an abundant beauty in scenery, landscape, nature and sounds. Embrace the beauty that is wintertime and enjoy the journey! Happy (and safe!) running :) 


Stay warm and active this winter with these local options


Strong Start for Soleful’s 2024 Running Series